Visual Studio Code For Web Developers

  1. Visual Studio Code For Web Developers Free
  2. Best Visual Studio Code Extensions For Web Developers

This an extension pack for Visual Studio Code with extensions that are extremely helpful for Web Developers!


Check out Learn Visual Studio Code to learn everything you need to know about about the hottest editor in Web Development!

Debugger for chrome

Javascript (ES6) Code Snippets


Live server

Bracket Pair Colorizor

Visual Studio Code is a great editing tool for anyone who has to write code for a living, especially web developers. Let's get started. How to use Visual Studio Code for web design To design sites, you ought to use an honest text editor. Microsoft’s open-source text editor Visual Studio Code (VSC) is such an excellent editor. Here is how I set it up and which plugins help me having an honest time while writing HTML and CSS.

VScode VScode was introduced on April 29, 2015. VScode is a source-code editor undertaken by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes embedded Git and support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion and snippets. It’s extremely customizable, allowing users to change the theme, keyboard shortcuts, preferences, and install extensions that add extra practicality.

Auto Rename Tag


Path Intellisense

Project Manager


Editor Config

Browser Preview

Visual Studio Code For Web Developers Free

Git Lens



Better Comments

Git Link

VS Code Icons

Material Icon Theme


Settings Sync

Best Visual Studio Code Extensions For Web Developers

Better Align