Memoir Of A Roadie

Memoirs of a Roadie All Cats Are Grey Posted on 3rd April 2021 This week's poll year was 1981. Memoir of a Roadie is currently the #1 best selling New Release in Biographies and Memoirs (Arts & Literature) on Amazon, available on Kindle and paperback: Joel Miller is an ex- roadie for Guns N’ Roses, Poison, Stone Temple Pilots, & The Cranberries. The book is an often-hilarious personal account of a young man in his early 20’s trying. Memoir of a Roadie by Joel Miller My rating: 5 of 5 stars Early on, I figured out that Joel and I are relatively the same age. This and my involvement in my local music scene made it very easy for me to relate to the stories and adventures that Joel has recounted in this phenomenal work.

I get a lot of emails every day asking me to review this person or interview that person, but honestly, I don’t have time to explore the new artists or their music. I can’t keep up with the albums I want to review as it is so to add anything new ones in to the mix is impossible. And let’s be totally honest, most of the stuff I get is so bad, it is nauseating. Then one day I got a request to review a book. That hasn’t happened very often. I actually took the time to read the email and I loved the concept. It is a true story about life on the road and touring with bands. Imovie app free download. The book was called…this will take awhile…’Memoir of a Roadie: Axl said I mad a great cup of tea…Scott Weiland liked The Carpenters…& Ozzy likes Rosé’ and it was written by Joel Miller. I am going to just call it ‘Memoir of a Roadie’.

Joel Miller’s book covers the time in his life when he was a roadie. It was only a few short years, back around the early 2000’s, but Joel experienced so much. You get a realistic view of what goes on in the life of a roadie. Joel toured with bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Guns ‘N Roses, Poison and The Cranberries and each tour gives us some funny moments, some insane moments and some very sad moments. The book covers his hard, but fun life on the road in his early 20’s as well as the hardships of his life with not being on the road and the dysfunctions of his family.

Do you get stories about sex, drugs and rock & roll…Duh!! But it is the storytelling of those events that makes this book a fun, fast-paced read. Fast-paced because you don’t want to put it down. The chapters are numerous, but short which helps keep a well paced book interesting and page-turning. You’ll get to hear a lot about his jobs with telemarketing, working on movie sets and doing whatever he could to make ends meet. And there is a portion of the book that deals with his tough relationship with his dad who was a Jaguar mechanic and who was sort of friends with Jay Leno. Heck, Joel even got to go over to Jay’s and see that car collection. When Joel’s dad was nearly dying, he had Jay call his dad and we get another funny moment in the book. Jay seems like a really nice guy. Continue reading “‘Memoir of a Roadie’ – by Joel Miller – Book Review”


“Axl said I made a great cup of tea.”

If you’re looking for a book that actually tells it like it is instead of some coked-up fantasy written by someone who wasn’t there in spirit, then this is the book for you: an honest, open book about a man, a roadie, someone with vision and integrity, there is a lot more to Joel Miller than his tea-making skills.

Memoir Of A Roadie Tv

From working with the Stone Temple Pilots to Guns N’ Roses during the mystical and mythical Chinese Democracy era, this is a book that every music fan should read. Littered with fascinating stories and an abundance of photographs, the book highlights a time gone by, when Rock stars were Rock stars and gave the next generation something to aspire too.

This book has everything: danger, glam, rock star roadie moments, a sense of gratitude, and a vibe that I don’t think has been captured before. There is only so much that Nikki Sixx, Slash or Duff can remember during the hazy days, but Joel is able to offer the perspective of what actually happened. The pictures emphasise the story and are a great addition into this ‘behind the scenes’ tale of rock. I also love the ‘Roadie Rambling Moment’s scattered throughout the book because they add an insight and even more humour to the compelling and already funny stories.

A apple computer. Joel doesn’t just give us stories of being on the road, he offers us a look into his life, telling us of his shift from wanting to be an attorney to venturing onto a very different path, a path that went from working on movie sets with David Schwimmer and Cameron Diaz to making the move into the music industry working with Keanu Reeves’ band, Dogstar. Being the new guy in the job and surrounded by people who already know what they are doing can be quite daunting. The difference between being in the office and being on the road is that in an office you get a second chance. Rock n’ roll is fast paced – there is no room for mistakes at a live show. Joel conveys an enthusiasm that holds no boundaries and because of this, it’s a refreshing read, and he captures the excitement of being a fan, a roadie and a musician.

Memoir Of A Roadie Review

Memoir of a Roadie will help any musician learn more about the guys who truly make the rock stars stars. A must not only for any fans of Stone Temple Pilots and Guns N’ Roses, this memoir of life on the road is a journey that should be taken by any and all music fans. As Miller says, ‘So, what happened to everyone? Well, life isn’t a book. The pages continued to turn on. The roadies that aren’t dead are still on tour.’

This book is well worth a read and you can buy it here.

Memoir Of A Roadie

  • Note: the front cover art is by Raymond Pettibon, famous for his artwork for such bands as Sonic Youth, Foo Fighters, and of course, Black Flag, for whom he designed the distinctive ‘four bars’ logo.